The Law Firm Of Myrna Serrano Setty, P.A
The Law Firm Of Myrna Serrano Setty, P.A

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Report Ranks States On Nursing Home Quality And Shows Families’ Conflicted Views

Report Ranks States On Nursing Home Quality And Shows Families’ Conflicted Views

A new report that combines nursing home quality data with a survey of family members ranks the best and worst states for care and paints a picture of how Americans view nursing homes.

The website analyzed Medicare’s nursing home ratings to identify the states with the best and worst overall nursing home quality ratings. Using Medicare’s five-star nursing home rating system, found that Hawaii nursing homes had the highest overall average ratings (3.93), followed by the District of Columbia (3.89), Florida (3.75), and New Jersey (3.75). The state with the lowest average rating was Texas (2.68), followed by Oklahoma (2.76), Louisiana (2.80), and Kentucky (2.98). also surveyed 978 people who have family members in a nursing home to determine their impressions about nursing homes. The surveyors found that the family members visited their loved ones in a nursing home an average six times a month, and more than half of those surveyed felt that they did not visit enough. Those who thought they visited enough visited an average of nine times a month. In addition, a little over half felt somewhat to extremely guilty about their loved one being in a nursing home, while slightly less than one-quarter (23 percent) did not feel guilty at all.

Myrna Serrano Setty, Esq.

Attorney Myrna Serrano Setty is a kind and compassionate Florida Elder Law attorney with extensive experience helping Tampa families protect their elders. Attorney Myrna Serrano Setty writes for all the Florida families who do not understand how to prepare for old age or legally care for their aging parents.

Connect with The Law Firm Of Myrna Serrano Setty, P.A. to get clear and accessible Elder Law guidance and advice that will empower you on a daily basis.

Call Now to Schedule Your Free 15 Minute Discovery Call (813) 686-7175

If The Tables Were Turned, Nearly Half Of The Respondents Said They Would Not Want Their Families To Send Them To A Nursing Home

While the survey indicates that the decision to admit a loved one to a nursing home was difficult, a majority (71.3 percent) of respondents felt satisfied with the care their loved ones were receiving. Only 18.1 percent said they were dissatisfied and about 10 percent were neutral. A little over half said that they would like to provide care at home if they could. The most common special request made on behalf of a loved one in a nursing home is for special food. Other common requests include extra attention and environmental accommodations (e.g., room temperature). Read the entire report here.

Are You Worried About Being Able To Afford Quality Long-term Care? We Can Help You Incorporate A Variety Of Planning Strategies To Maximize Your Quality Of Life And Help Protect What You’ve Worked So Hard For

This article is a service of the Law Firm of Myrna Serrano Setty, P.A. We don’t just draft documents, we help you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Planning Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before, and make all the best choices for the people you love. Call our office today to schedule a free Planning Session. Mention this article to learn how to get this $500 session at no charge.

Myrna Serrano Setty, Esq.

Attorney Myrna Serrano Setty is a kind and compassionate Florida Elder Law attorney with extensive experience helping Tampa families protect their elders. Attorney Myrna Serrano Setty writes for all the Florida families who do not understand how to prepare for old age or legally care for their aging parents.

Connect with The Law Firm Of Myrna Serrano Setty, P.A. to get clear and accessible Elder Law guidance and advice that will empower you on a daily basis.

Call Now to Schedule Your Free 15 Minute Discovery Call (813) 686-7175

Myrna Serrano Setty, Esq.

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