A living will is a document that you can use to give instructions about your medical treatment if you become terminally ill or are in a persistent vegetative state and unable to communicate your instructions.

The living will states under what conditions life-sustaining treatment should be terminated. If you would like to avoid life-sustaining treatment when it would be hopeless, you need a living will. A living will takes effect only when you are incapacitated and is not set in stone. You can always revoke it at a later date if you wish to do so.

Know Your Options

When drawing up a living will, you need to consider the various care options and what you would like done. You need to think about whether you want care to extend your life no matter what or only in certain circumstances. A living will can dictate when you want a ventilator, dialysis, tube feeding, blood transfusions, and other life- saving or life-prolonging options.

Myrna Serrano Setty, Esq.

Attorney Myrna Serrano Setty is a kind and compassionate Florida Elder Law attorney with extensive experience helping Tampa families protect their elders. Attorney Myrna Serrano Setty writes for all the Florida families who do not understand how to prepare for old age or legally care for their aging parents.

Connect with The Law Firm Of Myrna Serrano Setty, P.A. to get clear and accessible Elder Law guidance and advice that will empower you on a daily basis.

Call Now to Schedule Your Free 15 Minute Discovery Call (813) 686-7175

A DNR Is Only About CPR

A DNR is a different document. A DNR says that if your heart stops or you stop breathing, medical professionals should not attempt to revive you. This is very different from a living will, which only goes into effect if you are unable to communicate your wishes for care. Everyone can benefit from a living will, while DNRs are only for very elderly and/or frail patients for whom it wouldn’t make sense to administer CPR.

A DNR is printed on a special yellow form and since it is a doctor’s order, it must be signed by a doctor.

In addition to a living will, you will also need a health care proxy or broader medical directive, in which you appoint a health care decision maker.

We can help you make informed, empowered decisions, to protect what matters most to you.

Call us at (813) 686-7175 to schedule your free consultation.